こんにちは、 Shengと申します!2018年9月に来日し、東京大学の修士課程を経って、現在ITエンジニアとして働いています。
基礎ピンイン➡日常会話➡文法➡ビジネス用語まで、全部対応できます。 言語を教えるというよりも、中国語の勉強を通じ中国の魅力をお伝えしたいです。ぜひ一緒に楽しみながら勉強しましょう!
英語:TOEIC満点990、IELTS 8.5
Before coming to Japan I spent more than 6 years studying both my high school and Undergraduate course in the UK. So if you have any questions regarding British lifestyle or Education system, or even just feel like a casual talk on culture difference between UK and Japan (and China!) or any other aspects, I am more than happy to share with you! Throughout our conversation I will try to create a pure while relaxing English environment where you can speak freely and articulate your views and opinions with confidence. I can also share my tips for learning English with you and how could I finally reach the level I am at now from a non-native speaker's point of view. So please feel free to drop me a message, Thank you