現在、3歳から10歳の子どもたちに英語を教えています。一対一のレッスンでは、楽しい英語ゲームやワークシート、ホワイトボードを使って書く練習をしたり、おもちゃを使ったロールプレイでスピーキングを練習します。グループレッスンでは、「What’s the Time, Mr. Wolf?」や「Grizzly Bear Song」などの体を使ったゲームや子どもたちが大好きな歌を使って楽しく教えています!
I currently teach children aged 3 to 10 years old. For one-on-one lessons, I use fun English learning games, worksheets, and a whiteboard to practice writing. We also role-play with toys to improve speaking skills. For group lessons, I teach through physical games like “What’s the Time, Mr. Wolf?” and songs like the “Grizzly Bear Song,” along with other popular children’s activities. My lessons are engaging, interactive, and tailored to help children enjoy learning English!
While my Japanese listening skills are good, my speaking is still limited as I’m still getting used to the grammar order in Japanese.