私は日本で生まれ、8歳の時にカナダに移住しました。人生の半分をカナダで過ごし、現在は愛媛県松山市に住んでおります。今まで私がカナダで経験とともに身に着けた言語力を活かし、皆さんのお役に立てたらと思います。英会話はもちろん、発音など英語を身に着ける上でのコツなど、様々なテーマを生徒さんに会う形で提供できたらと思います。英語やカナダに関することであれば、何でも気楽にご相談ください。 よろしくお願いいたします。
Nice to meet you! My name is Shota.
I was born in Japan and immigrated to Canada when I was eight years old. I have lived half of my life in Canada and currently living in Matsuyama, Ehime. I am glad to be of your help, using the language skills that I have aquired through my experience living in Canada. Of course, English conversation is no doubt. Focusing on pronunciation, articulation, as well as providing tips and advice on building how to improve your linguistic skills accordingly. Looking forward to hearing from you.