私は現在筑波大学に在学中の20歳の大学生です。 私は自分を外向的な人間だと思っており、子どもたちとの付き合いがとても上手です。 ですから、恥ずかしがり屋の学生でも、親しみのある雰囲気で有意義な会話をしたい学生でも、英語の基礎をしっかりと身に付けたいと思っている子どもでも、私と一緒に参加することは大歓迎です。
Hi! Don’t want to miss out on a productive session filled with fun and excitement? :)
Anyone and everyone is welcome to join me to not only improve your English but also to share experience, knowledge, culture, and friendships. ;)
I am a university student of 20 years of age, currently enrolled at the University of Tsukuba. I consider myself to be an extrovert and am very good at dealing with kids. Therefore, all types of students, be they shy students, students looking to have meaningful conversations with a friendly vibe, or even kids looking to catch up on the basics in English are more than welcome to join me.