現在、中学生と高校生の英語を教えています。私の英語レッスンは、英語のスピーキングスキルやライティングスキルを向上させたい方のためのものです。 機械翻訳を使ったので、間違いがあったらごめんなさい。
I can teach Spanish at any level, however, the instruction will be in English so English is necessary for communication. My focus in both languages are daily conversation and travel.
I currently teach English at a Junior and Senior High school. My English lessons are for those who want to improve their English speaking skills, and also their writing. I do not use any textbook, but if the student brings their own textbook, I can use it. I can speak about a variety of subjects, such as music, video games, traveling, science, and more. I'm pleased to meet you!
I used a machine translator for my Japanese greeting, so, I apologize for mistakes.