Kon'nichiwa, watashinonamaeha suwanīdesu. Watashi no yume wa kodomo-tachi ni totte yoi sensei ni naru kotodesu. Benkyō dakedenaku, hito to no kakawari-kata mo oshiete ikitai to omotte imasu. Watashi wa kodomo-tachi ga daisukinanode, kodomo-tachi ni tottemo yoi hōhō de oshieru koto ga dekite shiawasedesu. Kokoro mo kotoba mo okonai mo yoi kyōshi ni nareru yō doryoku shite ikimasu. Dōmo arigatōgozaimasu.
(Hello, my name is Swanie. my dream is to be a good teacher to children. not only to educate them in their studies, but I also want to educate them in interacting with other people. I love children, I am happy that I can teach them in a way that will be good for them too. I will strive to be a good teacher in mind, word and deed. thank you very much.