Ciao a tutti!
私はイタリアの多面的なアーティストであり、教えることが大好きです! 私はイタリアにスタジオを持っており、常に日本とイタリアを行き来して作品を制作しています。 私は常にアーティストになりたいと思っていましたが、教えることも学ぶための最良の方法の 1 つです。
英語に関しては、5 歳の頃からイタリアのカトリック立学校英語を学んでネイティブ スピーカーです。
これは、2021 年の Resto Del Carlino イタリア国営新聞での私のインタビューの 1 つです。
学習プロセスに対してより自然な、より創造的なテクニックを使用しています。 環境を前向きで楽しいものに保ち、アクティブな活動や経験を通して物事を覚えられるようにすることなど。例えば私の会話レッスンと歌を歌うレッスン。
私たち一人一人は異なっており、学習や勉強に対するさまざまな方法を持っています。 それでは安心しながらリラックスして、アートやイタリア語や英語を一緒に学びましょう!
私の指導スキルは、各生徒やニーズに応じて異なる場合があります。 TOEIC、ELTS、A1からC2までのすべてのイタリア語と英語のレベルをカバーしています。 試験の練習もオッケーです。 子供のレッスンについて子供も好きで21歳のときイタリアで1年ぐらい幼稚園経験もあります!
Ciao a tutti!
I'm Luca but you can call me Luca Sensei.
I am an Italian multifaceted artist and I love to teach! I have my studio in Italy and I always go back and forth between Japan and Italy for my art. I have always wanted to be an artist and teaching is one of the best ways to learn too.
I attended the Art school A. Apolloni, Fine Arts in Italy in 2001, Graphic Design School in Urbino, Italy in 2003 and Politecnico of Milan for Natural Architecture in Milan, Italy in 2007. Thankfully I moved out in Japan and I attended The Kyoto Institute of Culture and Language in Kyoto Japan in 2008.
Last year 2022, from left, I was with the international Sculptor Giuliano Vangi (Vangi Museum in Mishima Japan), the curator Carlo Bruscia and the Architect Mario Botta and his lovely wife during an exhibition in Italy.
I speak Italian, English and Japanese.
As for the Italian and English, I am native speaker, English studied since I was five years old at private school Maestre P.V. Catholic School in Italy.
I am very fluent in Japanese, which I studied in Kyoto in 2008. I have been teaching since 2018 in person and online. I have been living abroad and in Japan for 16 years.
My motto is Learning while having fun!
Approach to teaching
I use more creative techniques that are more natural towards the learning process. Like keeping the environment positive and fun and by allowing you to remember things throughout an active activity and experiences.Like my conversational lessons or singing a song.
My lessons are casual, easy-to-do, and easy. I am very easy-going too and patient, although I take my work seriously.
Also I'd like to focus on each student as well.
Each one of us is different and has different ways towards learning and studying. So rest assured that you can relax and be open to learning with me!
My teaching skills may vary accordingly from each student and needs.
I cover all the Italian & English levels from TOEIC, ELTS, A1 to C2, just in case you need to practice for a test too. Years ago I also used to work part time in a kindergarten back in Italy, when I was 21 years old for one year out of my innate passion towards kids too so I know how to relate with kids too!
Thank you for your time.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon!
Kindest regards,
Luca Sensei