Hello! I know only "Kon'nichiwa" in Japanese :) So I totally understand feelings of beginner students when they start learning Russian. But no worries, I will help you to go through it with ease and pleasure!
I'm an experienced language teacher with a profound knowledge of pedagogical principles with over 12 years of experience in education. Excellent feedback from students and employers.
Although my teaching experience started a long time ago, I still find teaching a deeply creative process and a practice of being in the moment.
I have a bachelor's degree in pedagogy and a good knowledge of teaching methods. I've been trained to give professional lessons in teaching Russian at Moscow state university. I always prepare my lessons in details but I can easily improvise as well!
Recently I have developed and given the course on teaching Russian as a foreign language to other language teachers. It helped me even more to optimize and clarify the approach that grew out of my practice.
I offer different courses and work with/without textbooks. Teaching beginners, I use English because it’s important to get core ideas across in a clear way but then gradually I give instructions in Russian. Giving new material, I use the 3P method (presentation, practice, production), mnemonics and cultural-historical concepts. Before moving on, I make sure that students have mastered the previous material. Between lessons students do homework to practice new material and get corrections before their next lesson. Having a textbook-based course, I use a book written by one of the best Russian methodists which deals with different aspects of the language. I also use authentic materials.