テキストブックの使用: OKです。初めに簡単な会話でウォームアップをして、メインのトピック、最後に復習することが出来ます。特に発音については詳しく教えることが出来ます。
Hi, I want to help you with your English. I’m professional and interested in many topics, people’s different traditions and personalities, and international business. Professionals: I will help with your topic. My career experience is in construction project management. I’m happy to do general conversation practice too. I love English, and I can help you with continuing your conversations. Textbooks or not: OK. For structured lessons I’ll typically do 5 minutes of warm up talk about recent news. Then 50 minutes of exercises on your topic. I’ll take notes, and do 5 minutes at the end to review new words that you used. I’m especially good at teaching difficult pronunciation.