こんにちは。私はイギリス出身のエマと申します。日本には7年住んでいて、小学校の先生とプライベートで英語の先生をしていました。 私はとてもフレンドリーで、気さくなので、生徒さんとコミュニケーションをとりやすいと思います。文法や宿題を教えるだけでなく、カジュアルでくだけた会話もできればと思います。生徒さんが学びたいことを教えてあげられたら、とても嬉しいです。
Hello. My name is Emma and I am from the UK. I have lived in Japan for 7 years, and have worked as both an elementary school teacher, and a private English teacher. I am very friendly and open minded, so I know I will find it easy to communicate with students. I hope that my lessons will involve casual, informal conversation, as well as helping with grammar and homework. I would be more than happy to teach what the student wishes to learn.
I offer lessons for individual students at the weekend. I also offer English immersion lessons for mothers and small children on weekday mornings/afternoons.