その上で、私は英語も流暢に話せます。大学では主に英語で勉強しており、IELTS(2020年)8.0点&TOELF ITP(2022年)651点を取得しました。幼児に英語を教えた経験も2年あり、喜んで仕事をします。
Hello everyone. I am from Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam. I can teach you how to speak with a northern Vietnamese accent and slangs that are trendy among young people. I can also teach you other skills as well to be fluent in Vietnamese and customize the lessons to best fit your learning objectives and background. Let's have fun learning Vietnamese together and gain a deeper understanding of the beautiful culture behind it.
On top of that, I am also fluent in English. I'm mainly studying in English at University and had a score of 8.0 on the IELTS (2020) & 651 in TOELF ITP (2022). I have had 2 years of experience of teaching English to young children and happy to work with them.