こんにちは, お元気ですか?私はピーターです。カナダ出身です。あらゆる年齢の人々に英語を教えた経験が豊富です。過去数年間、私は幼稚園だけを教えていました。私は小さな子供たちに教えるのが好きです。ですから、小さな子供がいて、もっと英語を練習してもらいたいのなら、私に知らせてください。
Hi, hello, how are you? I'm Peter, I'm from Canada, and I have lots of experience teaching English to people of all ages. For the past several years, I was teaching kindergarten exclusively. I enjoy teaching small kids; so if you have little children and you want them to practice more English, just let me know.
For adults, I am happy to help you to perfect your grammar, as well as your fluency. For those who dislike books and are interested in free-conversation classes, I recommend a structured type of conversation lesson. You'll learn more. Whatever it is that you want, I can help you with that. Don't hesitate to reach out to me. Thank you!