レッスン内容は主に会話と発音が中心です。例えば、国際報道ニュースを読んで、今世界で何が起こってるのか、や日本と海外の文化的な違いについて会話をします。レッスンが一時間だとすれば、最初の15分は宿題と英語でいつも使うイディオムなどをレビューします。その後の30分はその日のテーマについて会話をし、皆さんの発音を整えます。最後の15分はその日のレッスンで難しかった点、良く理解できなかった点に集中して、次回のレッスンに備えます。これはあくまで一例なので、皆さんのレベルに合ったレッスンを作成します。みなさんが自由にテーマを選んでもらって結構です 。体験レッスンは割安なので、レッスンを体験していただければ、皆さんに合ったレッスンプランを作成しますので、お気軽に申し込んで下さい。特に英語の発音とイディオム等をレベルアップしたい方、英会話に自信のない方、アメリカやイギリスへの留学や、海外への赴任を目指して勉強したい方、お気楽にご連絡してください!一緒に楽しく英語を学びましょう!
Hi everyone! My name is Joshua. I'm a half Japanese half Filipino student who was born in Japan. I'm originally from Matsue Prefecture but I'm now based in Tsukuba City. I've lived in many different places and I went to middle school and high school at an international school in the Philippines. I did my Bachelors at the University of Maastricht in the Netherlands, and I'm currently taking a sabbatical from my Masters in Political Science in the University of Amsterdam. I've spent most of my life speaking English, with all my higher education being in English. Therefore, I consider myself a fluent native speaker, and I've been mistaken as an American a few times because of the way I talk. I spent most of my life abroad so I love talking about the beauty and diversity of different cultures.
My lessons will mainly focus on speaking and pronunciation for practical application. My idea is to look at different news outlets to find out what is happening in the world or talk about cultural differences while gaining a grasp on the English language. For example, if a lesson is an hour long, then the first 15 minutes would focus on the previously assigned homework and learning new slangs, idioms or frequently used phrases. The next 30 minute would be devoted to speaking and fixing the pronounciation of the student. Finally, we would review the difficulties or weakpoints the student had from this lesson and prepare for the next lesson. However, this is just an example. I will, of course, adjust my lesson depending on the capability of the student. It is also possible for the student to pick the topic of conversation. I provide an affordable trial lesson where I can determine the level of the student and customize a lesson plan for subsequent classes.
If you want to improve your English pronunciation, speaking ability, familiarity with slang/idioms/differences in English between different countries, or you would like to go to the US/UK for any reason, please do not hesitate to contact me! Let's explore the nuances and intricacies of the English language in a fun and exciting environment!