As extra information to my profile I would like to add that although I am not a native english speaker, my english is more than decent. In my country we have three official languages which are Dutch, French and German. We are educated in all three as well as in English. Although English is not concisedered an official language in Belgium it is much used, e.g. television, schoolbooks,..
Therefore I can give classes in all these languages (Dutch, English, French and German) but I must admit that my french and german need to be freshened up first.
私はベルギー人ですが、私の国の公用語はオランダ語、フランス語、ドイツ語、英語です。私は10年以上英語を勉強したので、ほぼネイティブと変わりません。私の国では、教科書や授業は英語なので、心配しなくて大丈夫です。もし他の言語も学びたいのであれば、喜んで教えます。’ :)