あなたはいつでも私のメールアドレスを通して私に連絡することができます または私の携帯電話番号を通してより多くの情報を求めそしてあなたのレッスンを計画するために。すぐに上手な英語を話せるようになりましょう!私と一緒に勉強してください!
I am an experienced teacher to students of varying ages. l teach for more than ten years now. I design my own lessons based on the skills and English level of my students. I provide them fun and challenging activities with worksheets to make them practice more even on their own time.
You can always contact me thru my email address or thru my mobile number to ask for more information and to plan your lessons. Be a good English speaker soon! Study with me!
Note: For Tokyo, Yokohama, Chiba (and neighboring cities) and Kansai students, I am willing to do online classes with you. Send me a message so we can talk about it!