こんにちは、ダニエルです。 私は7年間言語を教えています。 ドイツ語、英語、スペイン語。 質問をしてください。
Hello, my name is Daniel. I was born and raised in Germany, but my parents are Spanish, so that is why I am native speaker of both languages. I studied business management in English.
My passions are to travel and discover other places and their people. I love to know about other cultures and try to learn from their knowledge. An other big important part in my life is as well music, I play myself piano and guitar, I like a lot to compose music. Overall, art in general just fascinates me, you can learn so much from creations from other people, just by the fact a same piece of art can be different depending on the eyes who see it, like life itself! For me life is already a big piece of art.