シリコンバレー出身で、数年前に上京し、大手製薬会社に勤務。 彼のバックグラウンドには、マーケティングと販売戦略、ビジネスアナリティクス、ITとマルチチャネルマーケティング、eコマース、そして最近では機械学習と意思決定インテリジェンスの交差点が含まれています。 学際的には、行動経済学と消費者分析に重点を置いていました。 彼の個人的な顧客リストには以下のようなものがあります。Google、Microsoft、Sony、Aflac、Mercedes、Disney、Astra Zeneca、その他多数。
Professor Dante has 20 years of experience in management consulting for Global Fortune 500 companies.
Coming from Silicon Valley, he moved to Tokyo a few years ago to work for a large pharmaceutical company. His background includes Marketing and Sales Strategy, Business Analytics, Information Technology and Multi-channel Marketing, eCommerce, and more recently the intersection of Machine Learning and Decision Intelligence. Scholastically, his focus areas were Behavioral Economics and Consumer Analytics. His personal client list includes: Google, Microsoft, Sony, Aflac, Mercedes, Disney, Astra Zeneca, and many others.
Having had extensive experience mentoring, and directly managing staff and client teams internationally; he is looking to coach and help you to achieve your personal and career goals.
University students are also encouraged to practice English interviews, prepare their resume, and gain advice on global opportunities for their career.