Hello! I am Sijung. Before residing amongst the breathtaking nature of Nagano, I lived across Asia, Europe, and North America. Here is how my journey to Nagano began...
It started with mecha-robots and console games. Like many of my generation, Japanese animation and console games played a big part in my childhood, especially during my middle school years in Taiwan. Later in life, I visited Japan many times and was captivated by her awesome nature. Eventually, I even fell in love with a lady from Nagano and we got married. After many years of living in cites around the world, we decided to settle in Nagano and raise our daughter away from the hustle and bustle of city life.
During my free time, I enjoy cycling across Nagano’s gorgeous mountain ranges. I am also a podcast buff, and have compiled a compressive list of my favorite podcasts that I plan to publish online.
Hope to hear from you soon!