これは私の背景の要約ですが、私のプロフィールの詳細はインターネットでも見つけることができます (LinkedIn)
私は米国永住者(グリーンカード所持者)であり、日本人です。私は日本で生まれ、3歳のときにアメリカに移りました。 私はオハイオ州クリーブランドで育ち、保育園からアメリカで完全に教育を受けました。大学院で学位を取得した後、東京に戻り、16年以上にわたり主要なグローバル投資銀行で働いていました(リーマンブラザーズ、ゴールドマンサックス、および野村)。
Hi, my name is Butch
This is a summary of my background but my profile details can also be found on the internet (LinkedIn)
I am a US permanent resident (green card holder) and a Japanese national. I was born in Japan and moved to the US when I was 3 years old. I was raised in Cleveland, Ohio and was fully educated in the US starting from nursery school. After receiving my post graduate degree, I moved back to Tokyo where I worked for major global investment banks for over 16 years (Lehman Brothers, Goldman Sachs, and Nomura).
Currently, I hope to start teaching English on a full time basis since I really enjoy working with people and find it very rewarding. Given my global background and being both American and Japanese, I can offer a practical and effective approach to help you learn proper English. I can customize our lessons to fit your needs and style of learning.
Let’s have fun learning English!