Hello everyone. I hope you are doing well. Learning a language is hard, there's no way around it. From my experience, I have found that taking shortcuts is actually detrimental in the long run, and that the best way to do it, is to get as much input as you can as possible. That said , some methods work faster than others and it is my hope that I can share them with you during our time together. Hope to see you soon.
皆さんこんにちは。京都コンピュータ学院情報処理科情報処理コースのサリムと申します。新しい言語を学習するのは難しい事には間違いありません。「〇〇語学習簡単方法」と言うのは存在しません、私がそれを保証します。ただし、有効な 方法が存在します。その手段を皆さんにシェアしたいと思っています。一緒に勉強しませんか?