アメリカ、フィリピン、カタール、アラブ首長国連邦、インド、そして今は日本と、さまざまな国に住んでいます。 日本の一番好きなところは、素晴らしい食べ物、面白い人々、豊かな文化遺産です。徳島に住んでいて、自然や海に近いことも気に入っています。また、徳島にはたくさんのスペースがあります。
Hello! I’m Noel.
I’m from Air Force City, Clark, PHL. Clark was once the largest US Air Force Base outside the United States mainland.
I had lived in different countries such as USA, Philippines, Qatar, UAE, India and now Japan. What I like most about Japan is its amazing food, interesting people and its rich cultural heritage. I love the proximity to nature and the sea that comes with living in Tokushima. I also love the amount of space we have here.
I watch movies, play video games, cook and hike in my free time.
I'm looking forward to seeing you in my lessons.