私のことを少しお話させてください。フィリピン出身です。16歳の時に短い休暇で日本に来たのですが、すぐに日本が大好きになりました。日本語は少し話せますが、毎日生活するのに十分な程度です。私が情熱を注いでいるのは音楽と食べ物です。 自由な時間には、家族や友人のために料理をしたり、一人で本を読んだり音楽を聴いたりして静かに過ごします。私は東京の私立中学・高校でフルタイムの英語教師として働いています。生徒と何でも話すことがこの仕事の醍醐味です。
Hello! How are you? My name is Alex. Nice to meet you.
Please let me tell you a few things about myself. I am from the Philippines. I came to Japan when I was 16 for a short vacation and instantly, I fell in love with the country. I speak a little bit of Japanese- just enough to get by every day. Music and food are the two things I am passionate about. In my free time, I cook for my family and friends or spend some quiet time alone reading a book or listening to music. I work as a full-time English teacher at a private junior/senior high school in Tokyo. I find talking to my students about anything the best part of my job.
I hope you enjoyed reading my introduction. If you need help improving your English or have someone to practice English with, don't hesitate to send me a message. You can contact me through the email address in my contact details. See you!