Hello students,
If you want to learn Basic English, Intermediate and Converasational English please feel free to message me. I would love to teach and share my knowledge on the language. Hope to meet you soon.
Teacher Denise
Hello students,
If you want to learn Basic English, Intermediate and Converasational English please feel free to message me. I would love to teach and share my knowledge on the language. Hope to meet you soon.
Teacher Denise
月 | 火 | 水 | 木 | 金 | 土 | 日 | |
早朝 | |||||||
午前中 | |||||||
お昼前後 | |||||||
午後 | |||||||
夕方・夜 |
最終学歴 | 4年制大学 |
専攻 | 医学・看護学 |
学校名 | Calayan Educational Foundation Inc. |
現在の職業 | アルバイト/パートタイマー |
業種 | その他 |
職業の詳細 | Restaurant Staff |
特徴 |
初心者歓迎! |
日本滞在歴 | 1年未満 |
日本語レベル | 挨拶程度 |
講師経験 | 1年未満 |
趣味・好きなこと | Reading Books |
好きな映画 | Watching Movies & Documentaries |
好きな音楽 | Oldie but goodie |
好きな食べ物 | Chicken |
日本の好きなところ | The politeness of Japanese people. |