(English follwing Japanese)
今まで中高大、そして英検、TOEIC、TOEFL iBTを受験してきました。なので、これらを特に教えられればな、と思いますが出来るだけフレキシブルに対応したいと思うので、気軽に声をかけてください。
I'm Satoshi, nice to meet you!
Born and raised in Tokyo, mixed of hong kong chinese and japanese, 21 years old.
And currently, I'm the Year 2 student in Meiji University, and studying many kind of study fields, and from the next year, the year 3, I need to decide my majors! (e.g. Travel industry, city plan, politics, social business, international relations, etc I've so many interests which I want to make use of in the future!)
For the past years, I have taken Junior high, high and university's entrance exams, EIKEN, TOEIC, and TOEFL iBT, so I hope I can help you these areas of English, but basically I will try to be flexible, so please feel free to contact me!
(So far I've visited Hong Kong, Paris, Mont-Saint-Michel, Normandy, Vienna, London, NY, San Francisco, Guam, Pusan, and of course so many places in Japan or Tokyo. So, I or maybe we can share the experiences there too!)