I am a very passionate, energetic, positive and success driven individual. I have a very adventurous view on life, one of my biggest passions has been to travel and explore many places. I am very active and sporty, spending a lot of my free time growing up, doing mountain biking, longboarding, rock climbing and many other sports that allowed me to explore and push myself beyond my limits.
I have done many charity events to raise money for cancer research, one of which was a 86.9KM bike ride across the countryside of Wales, England.
From home I always enjoyed reading books on science, the natural world and ancient history. If I wasn't reading, I was doing art, for 4 years I was a freelance graphic designer and illustrator, having sold many works of art to both friends and art patrons. I also worked briefly as a designer for an up & coming t-shirt company in Australia, when I spent 8 month out there working.
I am an exceptionally hard working man, my career for the past 13 years has been in hospitality. I have done a mixture of chef and waiter/barista work in that time. I was also a head chef for 2.5 years and an area support chef for 2 years.
That role involved a lot of solo and team based work, where I had to lead teams of chef through difficult service periods on a very regular basis.
I also did a lot of one to one and team training, including training a class of 24 head chefs the new menus that were to be released 3 times a year and also running health & safety workshops, which were based on team building exercises.
During my time in this role and through past experiences of teaching people that have grown to be my friends, whilst I have been teaching them the many sports that I had become very accomplished at, I realised that my purpose in life and what I was clearly very skilled at, is teaching others the knowledge & skills that I have acquired. For this reason, I decided that I want to step away from my career and start a new one in something that I have a lot more passion for and always have done.
There is no better time to start fresh than moving to a new country, with my wife where there is a great abundance of work readily available for me to apply for in the role that I have felt suited for my whole life.
I currently have no professional English teaching experience, but my goal is to change that, by finding a company that is willing to give me the opportunity to succeed and become a great teacher. My aspirations are to get great work experience in teaching for a fantastic company, which in turn, will help fund my CELTA course to become greatly accomplished and eventually I wish to progress to a level in which I can move onto teaching new teachers.
My current English teaching experience is based around non-formal, conversational English, both in my free time and during work. My history, in regards to this experience starts back in my early career as a chef. I had many co-workers that were Polish and barely spoke English, by the time I had moved on from that role, in order to go to Australia, they had become completely fluent in English in both reading, writing and speaking. Their accomplishment, through my teaching was so incredible that you would not have realised they were Polish through conversation with them.
Since then I have taught many of my foreign co-workers and employees to Speak better English. I am currently helping my wife improve her English and she is also teaching me Japanese. I am also helping two of my Japanese co-workers to improve theirs also, as they both plan to travel to other countries in the near future.
In regards to my work experience, although it has been mainly hospitality, I feel that this experience is actually very useful and invaluable for a career in teaching English. I spent a lot of my time communicating with not just staff, but our guests as well. In this career, I became very adept at conversation with people of many different personalities and at management of large teams as well. Because of my kind and understanding nature, I have always had the ability to build a very loyal and motivated team within every kitchen I have managed. I believe that I can apply this same style of management very well, to a classroom environment.