こんにちは、はじめまして。 私の名前はニカです。ドイツ出身で、日本に4年間住んでいました。 私は幼稚園の先生と心理療法士として働いています。 私は大学でも英語とドイツ語を教えた経験があります。 よろしくお願いします!
Hello, nice to meet you!
My name is Nika and I live in Japan since 2016. I grew up speaking three languages (English, German and Polish), so I'm aware of the difficulties and advantages of studying languages.
In Germany I worked as a teacher in kindergarten and as a therapist for children and teenagers/young adults and their parents.
Before I moved to Kansai, i lived in Tokio where I worked as an English teacher for adults.
I started working as a preschool teacher in Osaka in 2017 where I teach English to very young kids.
I'm also working as a psychotherapist for adults in the evenings.
Feel free to contact me, I'm looking forward meeting you!