こんにちは皆さん、マシューです。オーストラリアのタスマニア島出身で最近までメルボルンに住んでいました。大学では芸術を専行し、趣味は絵を描くこと、編み物、縫い物、木工など、てを動かして何かを作ることが好きです。 英語の文法や、熟語やよく使う使い回しなど、実践的で私生活に役立つ英会話をいろんな場面で使えるよう指導させて頂きますよ:)
hello, I am matthew, from australia. I studied art and philosophy at university. I love spending time on my hobbies and art-work. I am interested in many subjects. together we can talk about any subject. I am interested in languages and can explain to you about english idioms and word origins to help english make sense as a structure. also i can teach phrases, specific terminology for subjects of your choice. i can speak a little bit of japanese so if you are a beginner or feel unsure about your english skill, i will try hard for you using some japanese to help explain!