みなさん初めまして、Miles と申します。
大別すると日本の大学入試、TOEFL ibt 、TOEIC の試験対策、およびフリートークによる英語の基礎能力(スピーキング、リスニング、リーディング、ライティング)の授業を考えています。
Hi everyone, my name is Miles.
I'm half Canadian and half Japanese so feel free to contact me with whichever language you prefer.
For test preparation—mainly entrance exams for japanese universities, Toefl ibt or TOEIC—I usually teach using sample questions from official and non-official textbooks. If desired, I will copy and hand out practice tests as homework and assess your answers.
Students who wish to improve general English skills can expect lessons based on fun and interesting topics. I often use culture assimilators for cross-cultural training, podcasts to improve student’s listening skills, and online articles for advanced level students. For beginner and intermediate level students, I usually use textbooks aimed for Japanese ESL students(often contains both English and Japanese).
My schedule is flexibal so feel free to make an appointment with me whenever you like. (Please note that extra fees may be necessary depending on location.) Hope to see you soon!