私はオーストラリア出身のネイティブ英語話者で、大人、ティーンエイジャー、ビジネスマンなど幅広い層に20年以上にわたり英語を教えてきました。 名古屋大学や中京大学などの大学での指導経験に加え、トヨタ自動車、デンソー、アドヴィックス、アイシンAW、日本ガイシ、東邦ガスなどの製造業での豊富な指導経験も有しております。
I am an Australian native English speaker with over 20 years of experience teaching English to adults, teenagers, and business students.
I have experience teaching at universities such as Nagoya University and Chukyo University as well as vast experience teaching at manufacturing companies such as Toyota Motor Corporation, Denso, ADVICS, AISIN AW, Nippon Gaishi and Toho Gas.
I am passionate about helping students achieve their learning goals and needs by providing enjoyable and effective lessons and I am experienced in setting study plans to help students stay motivated.
I look forward to supporting your English language development and helping you gain confidence in using English.
Please feel free to contact me.
I look forward to seeing you soon!