その他:1️⃣🖼️香港大学から卒業後、国際的なアートビジネス業界で6年間ほど働きましたが、今は学識に対する欲求が金銭を上回ると感じてるので改めて学校に戻りました。2️⃣🌍旅行好きで、アジア、ヨーロッパ、アフリカ、アメリカを渡って、30国以上の100超えの都市や町を訪れました。世界をもっと見て理解することが私の人生一の優先事項だと言えるでしょう。3️⃣ 日本語はまだまだ勉強中なので、大目にみてもらえれば幸いです...今、私はN2レベルにいます。
Hi there! This is Gwen :) I was born in Shanghai and later moved to Hong Kong. I speak Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese) and English! I am currently pursuing my MA at the University of Tokyo. I like meeting new people and talking with them so please don’t hesitate to say hello!
Fact about me: 1️⃣ I worked for 6 years in international art business after getting my Bachelor degree from HKU, and I think I've arrived at a point in my life where my desire for pure knowledge surpasses my pecuniary need; 2️⃣ I’m a big traveler — I’ve been to 100+ cities/towns in 30+ countries over Asia, Europe, Africa and America. I would say seeing and understanding more of the world is the no.1 priority of my life, to put it simply; 3️⃣ My Japanese is still a work in progress so please bear with me…I am currently at N2 level.